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This weekend, SERVPRO of Elmhurst had the pleasure of attending the 31st Annual Spring Road Pet Parade, where we had the opportunity to engage with hu

5/20/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elmhurst Makes a Splash at the 31st Annual Spring Road Pet Parade

This weekend, SERVPRO of Elmhurst had the pleasure of attending the 31st Annual Spring Road Pet Parade, where we had the opportunity to engage with hundreds of pet lovers and passionate community members. It was a fantastic event filled with furry friends, smiling faces, and an important opportunity to educate the public on the critical issues of water and fire damage. Our team was on hand to share valuable information about the importance of being prepared for unexpected disasters, such as water and fire damage, which can impact not only our homes but also our beloved pets. We emphasized the significance of having a plan in place and being equipped with the right tools to mitigate potential damage. In line with our commitment to pet safety, we were delighted to distribute emergency pet rescue sticks to all attendees.

These sticks are designed to be placed on windows or doors, providing crucial information about the presence of pets in the home in case of a fire. This simple yet effective tool can make a significant difference in ensuring the safety of our furry companions during emergencies. The response from the community was overwhelmingly positive, and it was heartwarming to see the enthusiasm and gratitude from pet owners who welcomed this valuable resource. It was a joy to witness the connection between pet owners and their animals, and to know that we were contributing to their safety and well-being. At SERVPRO of Elmhurst, we are committed to not only restoring homes and businesses after damage but also to being proactive in educating and empowering our community to be prepared for the unexpected. Events like the Spring Road Pet Parade provide us with a wonderful platform to connect with our neighbors and make a meaningful impact. We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to participate in this event and look forward to continuing our efforts to promote safety, preparedness, and pet welfare in our community. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth and engaged with us, and we hope to see you at future events as we work together to build a safer, stronger community for all.

The Consequences of Water Damage in Drywalls: SERVPRO of La Grange Park to the Rescue

3/7/2024 (Permalink)

One of the worst things that can happen to a homeowner is water damage, which can be expensive and time-consuming to fix. Water seeping into your drywall can lead to a number of issues, including the formation of mildew and structural deterioration. Fortunately, expert restoration services are available to help minimize water damage and restore your property to its pre-damage state. Since drywall is a porous material that readily absorbs moisture, water intrusion can result in a number of problems.

Water can first erode the drywall's structural integrity. As a result, the drywall becomes softer and more brittle due to structural weakening. This can lead to the drywall sagging or even collapsing if left unchecked.

The moisture that gets trapped in drywalls and creates the ideal conditions for mold growth is what causes mold growth. Within 24 to 48 hours, mold can develop rapidly and spread, endangering people's health and causing damage to the surrounding region. Water stains can be difficult to remove and harm the appearance of your walls. Musty smells can also be caused by odors and indoor air quality issues. Respiratory issues and allergies can be brought on by poor indoor air quality. What assistance with water damage can SERVPRO provide? SERVPRO's skilled experts will first attend to any emergency involving water damage promptly. After evaluating the damage, they will develop a special restoration strategy. Second, SERVPRO will remove water from the damaged drywalls using cutting-edge machinery. This will assist in preventing more damage and reduce the risk of further mold growth.

In order to stop more contamination, SERVPRO employs specialist techniques to eliminate and fix any mold growth that may have occurred. The team of skilled specialists at SERVPRO will repair the drywall to its pre-damage state. They will apply finishes that complement the current style and fix or replace any damaged areas. Why it's critical to work with a reputable restoration company: a. Expert restoration businesses have a great deal of experience with water damage. They are experts in mold removal, structural repair, and drying techniques.

At SERVPRO, we expedite the restoration process by utilizing state-of-the-art tools and industry-accepted techniques. Our tight collaboration with insurance carriers ensures that your rights are safeguarded throughout the claims procedure. Water-related damage to drywall can cause serious issues if not addressed quickly and professionally. By choosing professional restoration services, you can rest assured that your property will be restored to the way it was before the water damage.

What to do when you house floods

2/22/2024 (Permalink)

How to Handle a Flood

Upon your home's safe return, you should give cleaning top priority if floodwaters from a storm or hurricane entered your home. It's crucial to wait for the all-clear from local authorities before returning home, though, as damage from a powerful storm like a hurricane can be hazardous.

What to Do If Your Home Floods

Remain Calm: It's critical to avoid becoming overly agitated. It will take time for your house to dry out and for the demolition and reconstruction to be completed. It's critical to get comfortable with the long term, anticipate any stress, and seek support or therapy as required.

Record Everything: Take pictures and videos of the water damage to start recording it for your filing.

Document everything. Begin by taking images and videos of the flood damage to use as evidence when filing an insurance claim. Contact your insurance carrier right away to initiate your claim. It's crucial to understand that if your home floods, your homeowners insurance policy will not cover water damage; only a private flood insurance policy or a National Flood Insurance Program policy would cover flood damage.

Reach Out for Assistance: Following a flood, most homeowners can handle the initial phases of removing water-soaked furniture, appliances, and carpet, as well as drywall. Volunteer organizations, religious groups, neighbors, friends, and contractors can all help folks who are unable to help themselves. Organizations like Team Rubicon, a non-profit that recruits, trains, and deploys military veterans for disaster response,Organizations such as Team Rubicon, a nonprofit that recruits, trains, and deploys military veterans for disaster relief, are frequently on the scene following disasters.

Additional Information

It's worth noting that SERVPRO, a firm specializing in storm damage cleanup and restoration, offers services for cleaning up and rebuilding properties damaged by natural disasters including floods, hurricanes, and storms. They provide superior equipment and decades of knowledge to assist restore properties to their preloss state.

Surviving a Chicago Winter

2/20/2024 (Permalink)

Winterizing Your Home to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Frigid temperatures are upon us, underscoring the importance of preparing your home for the cold to prevent the inconvenience and potential damage caused by frozen pipes. When pipes freeze, it can lead to burst pipes, water damage, and costly repairs. Here are some helpful tips to winterize your home and protect your plumbing system:

Insulate Exposed Pipes One of the most effective ways to prevent pipes from freezing is to insulate them. Use pipe insulation sleeves or wrapping material to cover exposed pipes in unheated areas such as the basement, crawl spaces, and attics.

Seal Leaks and Gaps Inspect your home for any gaps or cracks that could allow cold air to enter and affect your pipes. Seal these openings with caulk or insulation to prevent drafts, paying special attention to areas where pipes enter your home.

Disconnect and Drain Outdoor Hoses Before the winter freeze sets in, disconnect all outdoor hoses and drain the water from them to prevent back pressure in the pipes inside your home. Store hoses in a dry place to prolong their lifespan.

Locate and Shut Off External Water Sources Turn off the water supply and drain the pipes if you have external water sources, such as sprinkler systems, to prevent water from freezing and causing damage to the system.

Keep Interior Temperatures Consistent Maintain a consistent temperature inside your home, especially during extremely cold nights, to prevent pipes from freezing. Set your thermostat to a temperature that will keep the interior warm enough.

Let Faucets Drip On exceptionally cold nights, allow faucets to drip slowly to prevent freezing by relieving pressure in the pipes, focusing on faucets located along exterior walls and those in colder areas of your home.

Use Heat Tape Consider using heat tape on vulnerable pipes for added protection, as it provides a constant source of low-level heat to prevent freezing. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation.

Open Cabinet Doors In kitchens and bathrooms, open cabinet doors to allow warm air to circulate around pipes located under sinks, especially those along exterior walls, which are more susceptible to freezing.

Taking proactive steps to winterize your home can save you from the hassle and expense of dealing with frozen pipes. By insulating, sealing gaps, disconnecting outdoor hoses, shutting off external water sources, maintaining consistent interior temperatures, letting faucets drip, using heat tape, and opening cabinet doors, you'll be well-prepared to face the winter months without the worry of plumbing issues. Stay warm, stay dry, and enjoy a worry-free winter in your well-protected home.

For water damage assistance, contact SERVPRO of Elmhurst at (630) 758-1701 or visit their website at for more information.

The Significance of Documenting Your Home Inventory for Insurance Purposes

9/5/2023 (Permalink)

In a recent incident, one of our clients experienced a fire in their home. As the first responders on the scene, SERVPRO® provided immediate assistance by boarding up the property, conducting exterior cleanup and safety measures, safeguarding sentimental and valuable items, and assessing which items could be salvaged and which were irreparable.

This particular event underscored the crucial importance of maintaining a comprehensive and accurate home inventory. Without such documentation, it would have been significantly more challenging for the client to determine the extent of their losses and file an insurance claim.

A home inventory is essentially a detailed record of all the belongings in your home, accompanied by their estimated values. It can be as simple as a spreadsheet or a more elaborate document containing itemized descriptions and accompanying photographs.

The advantages of maintaining a home inventory are manifold. Here are a few notable benefits:

  • Minimizing the stress associated with filing an insurance claim after experiencing a loss or damage.
  • Ensuring a more precise insurance settlement by providing concrete evidence of the value of your belongings.
  • Facilitating the tracking of your possessions over time, making it easier to keep tabs on them.
  • Simplifying the process of donating or selling unwanted items by providing a comprehensive overview of your belongings.

Creating a home inventory can be accomplished through various methods, including using a spreadsheet, a dedicated home inventory app, or even a video recording.

To assist you in creating an effective home inventory, consider the following tips:

  • Begin by listing all the rooms in your home.
  • For each room, catalog the major items such as furniture, appliances, and electronics.
  • Include the following information for each item: item name, description, estimated value, serial number (if applicable), and date of purchase.
  • Take photographs of each item to supplement the written inventory.
  • Store your home inventory in a secure location, such as a fireproof safe or a cloud storage service.

Remember to regularly update your home inventory, especially after making significant purchases or modifications to your home. This practice ensures that your inventory remains accurate and up-to-date at all times.

If you have yet to create a home inventory, we strongly encourage you to take action today. It is a straightforward yet invaluable measure that safeguards both you and your belongings in the event of a loss.

Consider these additional tips for documenting your home inventory:

  • Strive for meticulous detail by including as much information as possible.
  • Note the specific location of each item to facilitate quick retrieval in case of loss or damage.
  • Utilize photographs and videos to provide visual evidence of ownership and value for potential insurance claims.
  • Store your home inventory in a secure manner, whether it be a fireproof safe, a cloud storage service, or a USB drive.

By following these guidelines, you can create a comprehensive home inventory that offers crucial protection and peace of mind in the face of potential loss.

Does Your Elmhurst Home Have A Mold Problem?

9/5/2023 (Permalink)

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce health effects.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – (630) 758-1701

SERVPRO compares to none.

8/11/2023 (Permalink)

“To develop a team of quality people who focus on excellent service, fairness, and mutual respect.” This is our mission statement. We get to help people through a tough time. For more than half a century, the compass guiding us has remained the same — serving others professionally. Our mission, vision, and purpose steer our actions and decisions as we continually evolve and grow.

SERVPRO of Elmhurst specializes in storm and surge harm reclamation. Our groups are profoundly prepared, and we utilize specialized gear to reestablish your property to its pre-storm condition.

Speedier Reaction

Since we are locally possessed and worked, we are ready to reply faster with the correct assets, which is amazingly imperative. A quick reaction reduces the harm, limits advance harm, and decreases the reclamation fetched.

Assets to Handle Surges and Storms

When storms hit Elmhurst, IL arrive zone, ready to scale our assets to handle a huge storm or flooding fiasco. Able to get to gear and staff from a organize of 1,650 Establishments over the nation and tip top Catastrophe Recuperation Groups that are deliberately found all through the Joined together States.

Have Storm or Surge Harm? Call Us Now (630) 758-1701

Helpful Tips After Experiencing a Home or Property Fire

8/8/2023 (Permalink)

A home or property fire can be a very scary and traumatic experience. It can leave you feeling nervous, panicked, and overwhelmed and the feeling isn’t over yet. The aftermath of the fire can leave you just as anxious if you don’t know what to do. Fortunately, as fire damage restoration experts we understand what you might be feeling, and we’re here to help. In this blog post, we will provide you with helpful tips to navigate the aftermath of a fire, guiding you towards a swift recovery with the reliable assistance of SERVPRO.

Ensure your safety.

  • Take care and depart from your abode without delay.
  • Request medical assistance if needed.

To ensure the safe entry of your property, contact the local fire department.

  • Assess the damage.
  • After the fire has sparked, assess the damage. Obtain photographs or videos for insurance claims purposes.

 Secure valuable belongings such as ID papers, jewelry, and crucial documents in a secure place.

  • Contact your insurance provider.
  • Make sure to inform your insurance provider about the fire immediately. Take note of all discussions and communications with your insurance provider for future reference.

Secure the property.

  • Be vigilant and prevent any potential harm to your property. Board up windows, tarp or cover roof damage and secure any openings.
  • Emergency services, such as temporary board ups and roof tarping, are available from SERVPRO to avoid further damage.

 Request for expert fire damage restoration services.

  • Call SERVPRO for a fire damage assessment and plan of action for restoration.
  • SERVPRO uses state-of the art equipment and restoration techniques to efficiently clean, deodorize and restore your property.
  • Reduce the impact of smoke and dust. Using SERVPRO's advanced equipment, you can remove smoke, soot, and smells from your property and restore it to its pre-fire state. We thoroughly clean affected surfaces, furnishings and HVAC systems ensuring smoke and soot are removed.

Deal with Water Damage:

  • During firefighting, water can cause significant harm. Our experts use state-of-the-art equipment, such as dehumidifiers and air movers, to completely dry out the affected areas and prevent mold growth.


Recovering from a home or property fire requires professional expertise and guidance. SERVPRO is here to help you during this challenging time. Our dedicated team of professionals will work with compassion, efficiency, and expertise to restore your property to its pre-fire condition. Contact SERVPRO today, and let us handle the restoration process, allowing you to focus on rebuilding your life.

September is National Preparedness Month

9/1/2022 (Permalink)

September is National Preparedness Month (NPM). NPM is FEMA's national annual preparedness outreach. It is managed and sponsored by FEMA's Ready Campaign. The Ready Campaign, in conjunction with the Ad Council, aims to educate and empower Americans during NPM and through the year to prepare for and respond to all types of emergencies, including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks. National Preparedness Month culminates on September 30th with National Preparedness Day, the National Day of Action. The theme for 2022 is: A Lasting Legacy. The life you've built is worth protecting. Prepare for disasters to create a lasting legacy for you and your family. SERVPRO® is proud to spotlight National Preparedness Month this year. By doing so, we want to make sure you are prepared in case of a disaster? whether natural or man-made. If you haven't taken the time to think about how different disasters could affect you, then we challenge you to take the necessary steps to become informed and develop an emergency plan for before, during, and after an event for yourself and your family. IN THIS ISSUE of the Restoration Newsline:

• Why is NPM observed in September?

• What 2 states experience the most tornadoes?

• Preparedness steps that could save your life

• What to include in an emergency supply kit We must work together to ensure that our families, businesses, places of worship, and neighborhoods are ready for the unthinkable.

Begin preparing vital information now so you can address the unique needs of your business during an emergency situation. Contact your local SERVPRO® team of professionals to find out more preparedness planning tips and how you can minimize business interruption with SERVPRO's Emergency READY Profile®.

How SERVPRO work directly with your insurance

8/31/2022 (Permalink)

When a disaster strikes your property, it is important to know who to call! SERVPRO of La Grange Park / North Riverside, Arlington Heights/Prospect Height, and Elmhurst is highly trained and experienced in disaster restoration and cleanup. Our team is the trusted leader in the restoration and cleaning industry, and we offer a wide variety of services for your residential and commercial properties. Water damage, fire damage, and mold damage don't stand a chance against our team! Locally owned and operated, we are dedicated to being "Faster to any size disaster!" Available 24 hours a day, days a week for your emergency.

When you experience an unexpected disaster in your home, you may not know how to handle it. After the shock is over, your first thoughts are “what am I going to do?” and  “How am I going to pay for this?”. These are two very common questions homeowners ask themselves given the high cost of repairing water, fire, mold or trauma damage. Good news for you, our team of professionals is here to help eliminate that concern.

Here at SERVPRO of La Grange Park / North Riverside, Arlington Heights/Prospect Height, and Elmhurst set ourselves apart from other restoration companies with our seamless design to work directly with most insurance companies while keeping property owners in the loop. Our dedicated team of professionals understands the insurance industry. From knowing how the claims process works, to getting your claim submitted and your repairs documented correctly. One major advantage we use is our advanced technology that allows us to perform very accurate estimates with detailed reports on replacements. Many of our team members have worked directly with insurance agents and adjusters.

As one of the largest restoration and damage remediation companies in the country, we work with hundreds of insurance companies to help our customers get their claims processed quickly and fairly. Many insurance companies know that SERVPRO handles losses professionally and often recommend us to their policyholders.

If you have any questions or are in need of emergency services, don't hesitate and give our SERVPRO of La Grange Park / North Riverside, Arlington Heights/Prospect Height, and Elmhurst team a call!